Monthly publication
November 2003 Issue

We're back!
The LCN has been out for a few months. My thanks to all those who emailed
to inquire about its absence. The absence was caused by technical issues and time restraints. The home computer I used to generate the
newsletter crashed and I lost all my files, including the LCN files. After
getting a new PC and installing the necessary software, I tried to download
the files from the newsletter's web
site. However, I was not able to get in the site. After contacting the host
company, it turned out that they have moved the newsletter to new server and did
not set the password! Resolving these issues took time, and my spare time
was scarce in the past couple of months. I moved to a house (you all know
the time required for that), and I spent a lot of time on business trips that
took me from Miami to Clovis, New Mexico!
This situation drove me to think that it would be good to have a backup
person that can take care of the LCN when I am not able to do so. Anyone
interested in becoming a co-editor? All you need is a some expertise with
Microsoft FrontPage, good organizational skills, and some spare time every
month. Let
me know if you are interested. Also, if you are interested in writing a
regular column for the LCN, please contact me.
New LCN Discussion Forum!
feel like discussing an article you read on the LCN with your peers? Do
you need another point of view on an issue with your learning center? Or
perhaps you just need to share your thanksgiving plans with us? Now you
can easily do so with the new LCN on-line message board. This board is
easy to use and offers some nice features, including text formatting and images,
a message assistant, a calendar, posting notifications, and a lot more.
Surprisingly, the old board had a lot of visits with over 150 views per
message. However, it was not easy to use. This problem is now
solved, so go and post! You can visit the LCN Discussion Forum here:
Enjoy the new issue.
~ Mon Nasser, Editor

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