About the 2003 Authors
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Mon NasserMon is the founder and editor of the Learning Center Newsletter. He is also the developer of AccuTrack, a learning center reporting software. Mon received his Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering in 1993, and followed it by an MS in Engineering Management in 1996. Mon is a software development manager at Engineerica Systems, Inc. You can contact Mon at mon@accutrack.org *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Pat GottschalkPat has been an educator for almost 20 years. The fact that she's a military spouse explains why she has taught in 9 different states, at 3 different levels, and in 2 different languages. While holding her present position as Director, Academic Advising at the Air Force Academy, she is also pursuing a second Master's in counseling psychology. Her future career plans are to stay in one place long enough to earn not only that second Masters, but to complete her doctorate as well. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Tracy A. Stuckey-MickellCoordinator, College Reading & Learning Program, Northern Illinois University Tracey has taught college reading and study skills with NIU since 1999. She has served as coordinator of the College Reading & Learning Program since Fall 2000, where she trains and supervises reading and study skills instructors, writes and revises courses, and teaches. She has an M.S.Ed. in Educational Psychology and is currently working toward an Ed.D. in Instructional Technology with emphases in web based learning and the impact of computer and network technology on learning and literacy. Please visit the online home of the College Reading and Learning Program at http://www.cedu.niu.edu/ltcy/study/ColRdng.html *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Jan NortonSince 1984, Jan has directed the Center for Academic Support at Missouri Western State College, an open-admissions four-year college with about 5200 students. The CAS is a multi-discipline tutoring center, providing math, writing, reading, study skills, and content tutoring for almost every course on campus. She manages a staff of four other professionals and one secretary; the Center employs 40-60 student tutors each semester. In addition to overseeing the tutorial programs in their respective disciplines, the professional staff members also serve as advisors for high-risk students and teach developmental, general studies, and freshman seminar courses. Jan's most relevant degree is a Master's in Educational Research and Psychology; she is an alumni of the Kellogg Institute, NCLCA's Summer Institute, the Winter Institute, NADE certification training, and a NACADA/ACT summer institute. She has served as a program evaluation consultant, an accreditation reviewer for NCA, and for six years, as a leader for CRLA's Learning Assistance Center Management SIG. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Gary K. ProbstDr. Gary K. Probst has taught developmental reading and mathematics at Prince George's Community College since 1967. Currently, he offers online developmental Mathematics and Reading courses. Gary's web site offers valuable advice for developmental students - from organization to preventing developmental mathematics failure. You can visit his web site at this address: http://academic.pg.cc.md.us/~gprobst/ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Robin YorkRobin York has taught developmental reading and study skills at Chemeketa Community College since 1996. Before joining the Chemeketa staff Robin taught Study Skills for Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis. Currently, she teaches two online Reading courses and an online Study Skills course. She has also taught study skills via Chemeketa Television. You may contact Robin at http://yorr@chemeketa.edu. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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