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February 2003 Issue

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Tracking Software Usage in Computer Labs

AccuTrack Computer Lab edition is designed for tracking software usage.  You install a copy of this software on each computer in your lab.  When students sign in, AccuTrack will display a list of the available applications and will automatically launch the ones the student selects.  AccuTrack will monitor these applications and will automatically record the time when they are closed.

Special reports show you the utilization of each software application in the lab.  You can also check what software each student used, and how much time he or she spent on it.  

Perhaps the best way to tell you about the benefits of AccuTrack Computer Lab edition is to quote its users:


"AccuTrack allows me to track what programs are being used and by which students. Having this information is vital for justification of grant renewals and for new grants."


"AccuTrack allows me to see which programs are not being used so that I can remove them and free up space for newer software applications."


"AccuTrack allows me to run reports for the instructors. These reports allow them to see which students have accessed their programs and how long they were using them."


"AccuTrack has cut down my computers down time by keeping students out of the Windows environment. The student and software tracking ability allows reports to be run that show information important to administration and faculty. It allows me to monitor my server space and saves valuable time by automating important data reports. I find AccuTrack to be an essential benefit to this school. "

We are happy to announce the release of version 5.00 of AccuTrack Computer Lab edition.  This new edition enhances the software tracking process and provides you with accurate usage reports.  Contact us today for a free 30-day evaluation copy.


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Last Modified: January 13, 2004 10:22:39 AM