Submission Guidelines
The Learning Center Newsletter (LCN) is published by
Engineerica Systems Inc. The LCN is
sponsored by AccuTrack, a software product of Engineerica Systems, Inc.
We only accept submissions from the original author of the
articles. By submitting material,
you acknowledge that you are legally entitled to distribute the work and to
allow it to be redistributed. We do not pay for articles, and do not accept
articles that are primarily advertisements.
All articles are accepted with the understanding that they
have not been accepted or published elsewhere. We will, however, publish work
that has been presented at a conference. Submissions must not contain any
libelous or otherwise unlawful material or infringe on any third party's
intellectual property rights or any other rights.
By submitting an article, the author, or authors, transfers
the right to publish the work in whole or in part in any and all forms of media
to Engineerica Systems Inc., the publisher.
The author retains the right to reuse any portion of the
work, without fee, in future works of the author's own provided that the LCE
citation and notice of Engineerica Systems, Inc. copyright are included.
The Learning Center Newsletter gives the author
permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for
personal or classroom use without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear the full
citation and copyright notice.
The publisher reserve the right to not accept articles for publication at
our discretion
and to remove from publication any submission at any time for any reason.
We accepted both one-time articles and monthly articles for
publication. The submitted article needs to be of interest to our
readers. You can view past issues of
the newsletter to get a feel of the type of articles we publish.
We reserve the right to
refuse articles we do not deem appropriate. You
can email our editor with your topic before writing the article to make
sure it would be
of interest.
Please include your full name, institution, email Address,
and article title with your article. Also
include a bio (one or two paragraphs long ) and a digital picture for the "About
the Authors" section.
The length of the article can vary from one paragraph to several pages. If the
article is too long, we may choose to divide it up to more than one issue, or to
publish it as a downloadable attachment.
To submit an article, email it as an attached MS Word
document (preferred), or as a plain text file.
Send the article to our editor via email at
We seek to acknowledge receipt of
submissions within five business days.
In general, allow 2-6 weeks for reviewing, editing, and publishing the article.
If you have any questions please email us at