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Welcome to The Learning Center Exchange (LCE) and another issue chock full of information dedicated to helping learning assistance professionals help students. I would like to highlight our main features for those of you who may be reading our publication for the first time, or as a refresher for the rest of us, after our long and lovely summer break:
- Subscribers are emailed a link to the most recent issue of LCE as soon as it comes out. Subscription is free! To subscribe, fill out the form at http://www.learningassistance.com/join.htm . Please recommend our publication to your colleagues!
- Every issue contains 4-5 articles written on various topics pertinent to the learning assistance profession, as well as some fun Brainteasers to challenge and refresh our minds!
- Our authors are learning assistance professionals who have emerged from our readership to share information with colleagues in over 1,000 colleges and universities across the United States. They deserve a big hand for all they do for us! LCE includes an email link with each article so that readers may contact the authors with feedback or questions. I encourage you to let our authors know when you enjoy their articles!
- LCE is currently soliciting articles for publication during the 2006-2007 academic year. If you have an article to share, please contact mpelkey@learningassistance.com. Submission guidelines are posted at http://www.learningassistance.com/2006/common/guidelines.html .
- LCE also has an online discussion forum, where readers can post comments or questions regarding the articles in each issue. The address is www.learningassistance.com/forums . Our regular feature, “How Would You Help This Student?” appears there as well. I welcome you to participate in the discussion forum. It’s OK to “lurk” there, but it’s great if you post! Your strategies, ideas, and input help others help students!
Here’s to student success! Happy Fall!
Questions or comments? Contact the author at edpelkey@juno.com.
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