Answers to last month's puzzles:
1. The name of the referee is your name, since you are the referee!
2. If the elixir worked, the earthenware jug would be gold.
3. The musicians played the national anthems for both Italy and Russia (and
Germany, and the US, and Sweden, etc.) at the Olympic Games this year.
This month brought the most entries to the brainteasers than ever before!
A hearty congratulation to Marilyn Leach from Southwest Minnesota State University
for correct answers to all three brainteasers!
Bruce Epps from Capital University came in second with two correct answers.
Honorable mentions are owed to Peggy Underwood of Grace College and Dee Bost
of Harding University for their correct answers to one brainteaser each.
Thanks for your entries!
This month's teasers: Beware the ides of March!
You'll be springing your clocks ahead before you know it! April 2nd, to be exact.
Let's warm you up for the warmer days ahead!
1. April Fool: What can be seen in the middle of March and April that cannot
be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
2. Knotty Problem: How can you tie a knot in a piece of string without letting
go of either of the ends?
3. Clockwise: If a clock takes 2 seconds to strike 2 o'clock, how long will
it take to strike 3 o'clock?
Send your best guesses to
by March 31!
Puzzles provided by I.Q. Challenge: The Lateral Thinking Game, a trademark of the Lagoon Trading Company Ltd. Lagoon 2001.