Editorial Welcome
Bubbling: A Revison Strategy
Spyware Protection
Help This Student
Types of Mnemonics
Catch the Last Issue!

Welcome to the January 2006 issue of the new Learning Center Exchange!

Dedicated to providing information for learning assistance professionals.

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Editorial Welcome

By Mona Pelkey, United States Military Academy, West Point

Dear Readers,
With the New Year comes a new name for our publication, formerly known as Learning Center Newsletter: Learning Center Exchange. Our volunteer staff chose this name after much reflection, and we feel that it better reflects the current function of our publication, which is to provide a forum for learning assistance professionals to help colleagues help students.

In order to continue this publication, however, we need your input. If you have benefited from reading the articles your colleagues have written, please let us know! We love feedback; positive feedback keeps us going, keeps us writing, and gives us direction...
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In the Spotlight: Bubbling: A different kind of revision strategy

By Kyle Cushman, Vermont College of Union Institute and University

Protect your Computer from Spyware

By Mon Nasser, AccuTrack


I am protective when it comes to my computer: I do not open email attachments unless I am expecting them, I do not use file-sharing programs, and I do not download software unless I trust the source. As a result, I thought I was safe from spyware and viruses. However, a few weeks ago I had an experience with my home computer that changed my view of computer security...
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Sometimes after reading a student's paper I know it's not holding together, but I'm just not sure why. Sometimes the student writer knows this too and we are both baffled. This is when it's time to get out a colored pen and start bubbling...
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How Would You Help This Student?

By Mona Pelkey, United States Military Academy, West Point

Last month's case study:

Tom is a third-year undergraduate student with average grades, but he wants to improve his GPA so he can get into graduate school eventually. He states that his worst problem is procrastination; even though he is aware of term paper, project, and exam dates for many weeks in advance, he does not start anything until a day or two before the due date. As a result, his grades suffer, although he states that he always passes and that he is not worried about failing out of college...
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9 Types of Mnemonics for Better Memory

By Dennis Congos, University of Central Florida

Mnemonics are memory devices that help learners recall larger pieces of information, especially in the form of lists like characteristics, steps, stages, parts, phases, etc. We knew back in 1967 from a study by Gerald R. Miller that mnemonics increased recall. He found that students who regularly used mnemonic devices increased test scores up to 77%...
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