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In college, the word "study" includes many activities essential
to understanding, learning, and good performance on exams. Unfortunately,
many students do not know what to do beyond re-reading and cramming
when studying for college level classes.
It is valuable to students to understand that there are many tasks
that must be accomplished to do the job of learning properly in college.
Some must be done on a regular basis while others are done once or twice
per semester. Below is a listing of activities that are included under
the term "study."
- Set up a study schedule that includes a minimum of 2 hours
of studying for every hour that you are in the classroom. This will
vary some depending on classes and majors. This is what the job of
learning takes in college.
- Rewrite lecture notes as soon after class as possible.
- Read textbook assignments and build notes beginning from
the day of 1st lecture or textbook assignment.
- Quiz yourself over and over from your notes on a regular
basis as soon as you have notes. Using notecards really helps here.
- Self-test on a regular basis. Discover what you know and
what you don't know before you take a test when you can still do something
about it. Do not wait until you get a test back to find out what you
have and have not learned. Discover how may times you have to self-test
in order to recall all of the details from memory by looking only
at a main idea.
- Form study groups. Compare notes, form potential test questions
and answers, quiz each other.
- Do homework.
- Work on assigned projects (individual and group).
- Attend SI sessions and get tutoring.
- Research for and write papers and essays. Start early and
do little by little each week.
- Include memory enhancers in your notes such as mnemonics,
diagrams, charts, sketches, drawings and other devices in notes to
increase learning and speed recall.
- Meet with a campus learning skills specialist about your
study skills.
- Lab practice for language and science courses.
- See instructors during office hours.
- Teach or tutor someone else.
Learning Efficiency
Visualize a pyramid with 6 levels that represent levels of efficiency
in learning. The levels go from the top down in terms of learning efficiency.
Level 1 at the top shows 5% efficiency in learning when simply listening.
Level 2 shows we are 10% efficient when simply reading and rereading.
Level 3 indicated that humans are 20% efficient in learning when simply
hearing or seeing.
Level 4 shows a 30% efficiency when watching demonstrations.
On level 5, we are 50% efficient in learning when participating in study
Level 6 clearly shows that we are 90% efficient in learning when we
teach others.
The wise learner will include all 6 levels in learning whenever possible.
Questions or comments? Contact the author at dcongos@mail.ucf.edu.
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