May 2004 Issue
Internet Resource of the Month
Email: There are so many wonderful Learning Center sites on-line that the toughest part of writing this column is choosing one. That said, I settled on South Mountain Community College's Learning Assistance page
( This site is all about practicality, information, and easy navigation. Once you access the site, it gets right down to business. There's a (short) message from the Learning Center director, but the main focus of the homepage is the links - lots and lots of links. One click and you're in a Math Resources page with links to not only tips like "Reading Mathematics Textbooks" and "Math Anxiety" but more math study skills sites, tutorials, even textbook recommendations. One click each also takes you to a study skills site, a reading site (it has newspaper and news links that access national and campus newspapers all over the country), and last but not least, there's a link for Basic Computer Skills. Other information offered is links to testing sites, writing labs, and ESL help. There is also a Professional Resources site specifically for instructors, tutors, and other professional staff. I had no trouble whatsoever navigating this site; in fact, if I didn't have to get this column turned in, I'd still be going from one link to the next, there's so much great stuff so easy to get to. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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