March 2004

Introduction Of the Association for the Tutoring Profession (ATP)
By Jim Valkenburg
What: I am happy to announce the establishment of a new independent association dedicated to the tutoring profession.
Who: The ATP has been developed by a number of highly qualified and distinguished educators and tutoring professionals with the mission to provide a communication platform linking tutors, tutor coordinators, and administrators who are committed to the development of the independent learner. The ATP has been incorporated as a non-profit association.
Mission: As interim President of the Association for the Tutoring Profession, I believe that it is essential to bring new ideas to tutors at all levels of the profession – from students who are just beginning to professionals and administrators who have been involved for years. I see the ATP as a clearinghouse of ideas governed by and guided in principle and in action by all of the members of the association.
With this in mind, the goals of the ATP are to provide opportunities for tutors, tutor coordinators, and administrators to develop and enhance skills through the sharing of methods and strategies; provide a basis to stimulate research in the philosophy and application of tutoring; and to develop relationships with other organizations, schools, and businesses who are also committed to the development of independent learners.
Benefits: Membership encompasses an association that will focus on the issues of tutoring. Benefits will include:
• Conferences -- in-person and electronically delivered to meet the growing demand for
quality information about tutoring and tutorial administration
• Certification – independent and based on established standards
• Web-site with clearly published information about the association and its governance
• Quarterly Newsletters delivered electronically to members with helpful information.
• Networking and data sharing opportunities.
I am happy to be associated with other individuals who over the years have proven their expertise in tutoring and have been actively engaged in bettering the profession. I believe we can make a difference and can help each other to develop an association of which all members can be proud.
For additional information please go to http://www.jsu.edu/depart/edprof/atp/. Feel free to contact any of the Executive Board members for
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