February 2004 Issue
Student Study Skills Tips
Forming Study GroupsOne of the best ways to review during the week or before an exam is with a study group. One of the biggest advantages to a study group is that you get to listen to the information from another person's perspective.
When you decide to form a group, keep in mind the following qualities that identify an effective study group. * Everyone who attends the study group should make a commitment to come prepared. * Make sure you all agree on a location which is advantageous to studying. * Don't hesitate to address issues which are difficult and hard to understand. Difficult concepts must be addressed for thorough comprehension. * Group members ought to be classmates. A workable group does not require that the members be friends. * Always have a plan before you come together to study. Study goals are always important. It is not necessary to belong to a study group for every class. However, you will find that for your more difficult subjects, verbal analysis and input from others will help. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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