March 2003 Issue
Learning Technology
Email: Encouraging Healthy E-Learner Behaviors: Tips for E-Moderators and Learning ProfessionalsLearners who are new to online courses may have some misguided beliefs that may impede progress in e-learning. It is our responsibility as learning professionals and e-facilitators to assist novice e-learners as they become acclimated to the online learning environment. There are myths and challenges a-plenty about how the online course operates, the advantages/disadvantages of online courses, and “classroom” dynamics. It is important to help students dispel these myths and encourage healthy e-learning behaviors to help them overcome the challenges of this unique learning environment. Below are a few of the most commons myths and challenges that impede healthy and effective e-learning. MythsMyth 1: Online courses take less time since there is limited f2f contact.
Myth 2: E-learners must have lots of technical expertise. Most online course interfaces are designed specifically with the novice user in mind. Very little technical expertise is necessary for e-learners to succeed in an online course environment. The minimum skills usually involve basic computer literacy and Internet experience to participate. Moreover, most institutions have e-learning professionals to handle any technical problems that may arise. Learners need fear that their technical expertise is insufficient. Myth 3: Online courses allow learners to work at his/her own pace. This may be true in some courses, but for most, it is quite the opposite.
Online courses have the luxury of allowing students to access materials day or
night, but there is usually a due date for assignments. Deadlines are quite
necessary to provide structure for the facilitator and learners. In the online
classroom, many have found it quite easy to fall behind on the work even with
due dates. Online course should not be confused with individualized study. Learning professionals should inform learners about what this experience is like (as much as possible) to dispel these myths and others before the learner is faced with beginning actual online participation. Though one cannot give learners a true online course experience purely by explanation, establishing clear expectations and perhaps sharing feedback from former participants would help. Dealing with learner myths about online learning is only half the battle. There are numerous challenges to effective online learning. ChallengesChallenge 1: Information overload. Managing the sheer volume of available information is important in the online classroom. I have often suffered from “information overload” while working online if information is not organized and relevant. Information overload can cause frustration. Learners may give up. Chatting in overcrowded chat rooms, visiting websites with unorganized information and participating in asynchronous conferences with really large groups are some situations where learners may be lost. Learners may want to read everything, but either run out of time or patience. The e-moderator has a real challenge to organize information and break large classes into smaller, more personal sized groups. This is very important if learners are to maintain some level of comfort with the online learning environment, use the information effectively, and gain from the online course experience. Challenge 2: Little or no f2f contact. Learners must build the “culture” of their online environment through communicating. The lack of f2f can create a sense of impersonality therefore restricting some learners from feeling comfortable sharing with others. On the other hand, many learners who would otherwise be quiet in a f2f classroom, have been found to open up in the online classroom. A major area of concern is maintaining respectful online interactions between class members. Facilitators are challenged to consider the personality aspects or learning styles of individual learners to discover ways to encourage openness. There should also be clear ground rules established at the beginning to encourage courteous and respectful communications. Challenge 3: Differing language/cultures among e-learners There are myriad myths about the online learning experience and facilitators
face many challenges in the online classroom. The above list is not exhaustive.
Diversity, accessibility, and equipment issues are some other areas where many
challenges exist. As we increasingly use this medium in education, we will
continue to find and conquer challenges, while we continue to work towards
creating an effective learning environment for all learners. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Questions or comments? Discuss this article with the author or with other readers by clicking here. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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