February 2003 Issue

Student Study Skills Tips
Robin York, Chemeketa Community College
Email: yorr@exchange.chemeketa.edu
Ask Questions in Class!!!
Unfortunately, many students are reluctant to ask questions in class. They
are either intimidated by their instructor or they are afraid that their
question is stupid.
First of all, most teachers are not fearsome and unapproachable. Many work
in schools and colleges because they enjoy teaching. They also know that a
good way to check students' understanding is to stop at certain points in a
lecture and ask, "Any questions?". At this time, you should feel free to
ask a question. Even if the instructor does not request questions, raise
your hand if you want a point clarified.
Second, the only stupid thing about asking questions is the people who
criticize students for asking questions. You have every right to ask
questions if you do so tactfully. Remember, the only stupid question is the
one that isn't asked.
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