February 2003 Issue
Internet Resource of the Month
Email: Pat.Gottschalk@usafa.af.mil January’s Learning Skills web pick is found at
This is Humboldt State University’s “Study Skills and Other Web Sites” page. On
the left side of the page are direct links to services specific to the
University, not only the “Study Skills Links” page you are on, but features like
“Semester on a Page”, “Standardized Test Prep”, and “Tutorial Services”. You
have two choices for accessing the “study skills and web sites” information. You
can either click directly on the category you want facing you in the green box
at the top of the page, or you can simply scroll down the page. The material
appears as you see it in the green box, left-hand column down first, then middle
column down, and so on. I sampled a few of the categories. The time management
category has time audit worksheets that can be printed out (I didn’t follow
“directions provided”, I simply clicked “print”). Under test-taking, there is a
link to the St. Thomas site I reviewed last month as well as a comprehensive
test-taking strategies link. For memory, there is a link to the Mind Tools site,
which delivers as promised “Every memory technique you could ever want!” The
science category has a “Reading in the Sciences” link as well as a
Biology/Chemistry study resource link that my own students have accessed and
told me they have found helpful. There is even a category labeled “Being a
Successful College Student” that includes a link to excerpts from The Student
Survival Manual, written by Jack Pejsa. The manual has subtitles like “10 Things
to know about textbooks” or “10 Tips in case you’re thinking of having a party”.
These lists of “10s” are a light-hearted look at surviving the college
experience and are guaranteed to put a smile on your face. As mentioned, the
above is just a sampling of a very comprehensive study skills site; there are 24
categories in all. I do want to mention one of my favorite categories before
closing, titled “Periodicals List”. It contains current on-line copies of
publications such as the Boston Globe, Christian Science Monitor, The Economist,
The London Times, and The New York Review of Books, to name but a few. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Questions or comments? Discuss this article with the author or with other readers by clicking here. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* |
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