April 2003 Issue

Management Strategies & Tips
By Jan Norton
Three Respects
In the past two weeks, I have had the
great fortune to work with Frank Christ and his graduate class of up-and-coming
potential learning assistance center managers. One of the last questions posed
had to be answered quickly because our class time was coming to an end: I was
asked what three pieces of advice I would give to learning center directors.
The question caught me by surprise, but I had three immediate responses: respect
your students, respect your staff, and respect yourself. Given more time to
think, I'd probably come up with three more savvy, suave, or impressive answers,
but I'll share these three for now since I think they apply in many different
kinds of circumstances and learning center structures. Plus, the question may
prompt you to verbalize your own answers.
RESPECT YOUR STUDENTS This sounds obvious, yet I know so many people who are
quick to condemn their students' preparations or lack of effort. In some
colleges or departments, complaining about students is an accepted pastime, each
person providing progressively more outrageous examples. We need that kind of
release at times, and yes, we may wish the students were otherwise in some ways,
but they are who they are and deserve our respect, attention, assistance, and
patience. There are so many ways to be proud of and pleased for students and
their academic progress that it's a shame to focus on the negative.
RESPECT YOUR STAFF Your staff includes peers, secretaries, student workers --
anyone who works with or reports to you. I think that respecting staff involves
asking for their best, giving your best to them, and appreciating who they are
as individuals. Respecting workers is more than just praise and appreciation:
you owe them the best possible working environment (physically and
psychologically) and owe them feedback with the chance for self-improvement. One
of the concepts I'm glad I learned long ago is the idea that a weakness is just
a strength gone bad; this has enabled me to have patience in some situations and
given me a way to help employees improve. Here's an example: someone is really
chatty and talks too much. OK, that's the way to see it as a flaw. But I can
also see the good in that: here's someone comfortable with other people,
communicative, etc. (he's the natural choice for visitors touring the place) --
it just needs to be toned down at times and balanced with better listening
skills. Seeing the behavior in this way gives me a focus for praise and
RESPECT YOURSELF This is a tough one to discuss, but it's a critical part of the
picture. I think respecting yourself is very complex, and so individualized that
I can't offer much here. But I will say that I think it includes what I've said
above: positive corrections, appreciation of individuality, self-improvement,
etc. By receiving and reading this newsletter, you are already practicing some
self-respect by furthering your education. Beyond formal education lies a world
of professional organizations, publication opportunities, and continuing
self-education through conferences, reading, research, and other academic
activities. You have to respect who you are as an individual and build upon your
Respect involves seeing people as worthy of our best, so I hope it is a regular
part of your life, including as a recipient of others' respect.
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