April 2003 Issue
Internet Resource of the Month
Email: Pat.Gottschalk@usafa.af.mil April's featured site is at
http://www.utexas.edu/student/utlc/, the Learning Center site of the University of
Texas, Austin. Completely utilitarian, features are hyperlinked to topics like
making the grade, study strategies, and Trig and Calculus handouts. All have
numerous sub-links containing a wide variety of useful study methods. (I
recommend a visit to Karl's Calculus Tutor on the Pre-Calc and Calculus
Assistance site.) There are links to other Learning Resource centers, and for
Learning Center personnel, there is a link to a presentation on data collections
methods from the NADE 2003 conference. Unrelated to the UT site, I want to
include an additional site developed and maintained by Professor Michael Harvey
of Washington College, Maryland (http://nutsandbolts.washcoll.edu).
This easily navigable site is chock-full of writing tools a college student
might need, all just a mouse-click away. Besides answers to most writing
questions - or help alleviating writer's block - under headings like structure,
thinking, and style, there are hyperlinks to MLA, APA, Chicago, or CBE sites
included. What makes this site particularly helpful is that examples are given
to underscore each section's material. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Questions or comments? Discuss this article with the author or with other readers by clicking here. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* |
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