2002 Issue

New Study Skills Resource
Having trouble with studying physics? Want to know how study skills apply to
accounting? Maybe there is a secret to studying math. This study skills site has
expanded the topic to include "howtostudy" in each discipline. So if you need
help in biology, you can get handouts from a variety of colleges. Furthermore,
you can read what other students say about studying biology. Just click on the
book to read a review. Then add your own comments. This site also includes study
skills such as time management, multiple choice test taking, test anxiety, and
more. If you don't find your favorite link, you can add it to the bottom of the
page. This will track the number of hits and you can see if your favorite sorts
to the top of the list.
Put your college on the map. Join the other students adding their comments to
this site.
Be sure to visit and interact with
Note: this is a FREE site, not a commercial one. So it is "dot ORG".
Lucy Tribble MacDonald
Emeritus Faculty
Chemeketa Community College
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