March 2002 Issue

Management Strategies & Tips
By Frank L. Christ
Email: flchris@mindspring.com
#19: Getting the Word Out on Campus, Within your State, and
Nationally on Learning Support Centers in Higher Education.
Support Centers are still not as well known and recognized as they should be.
Here are four observations to think about along with some initiatives that you
may want to consider to achieve a greater degree of visibility and recognition
for your learning support center.
post secondary administrators and faculty are unaware that there is a
learning support center on their campus but are interested in knowing that
it is a academic support service that they can use to assist their students.
enough learning support centers are involved with their state-wide online
course offerings either as online or campus based support.
there are many web pages that offer study skills tips and strategies, very
few of them focus on the special learning and study challenges of online
administrators and faculty who are involved in online teaching or course
development have either never taken an online course or have not taught one.

on these four observations, I would suggest that we, as learning skills
specialists and learning support center administrators, consider the following
 | Make an
effort to increase your public relations on campus to let everyone know what
learning support centers do and how important they are for student
retention, academic success, and satisfaction. |
 | Make an
effort to find out if your campus is offering online courses and get
involved with that department by offering your services as F2F and virtual
online learning skills specialists. |
 | If you
have a web page, and every learning support center should, add a section
specifically for online learning and study tips. |
 | If you
have never taken an online course, do it to get first-hand information about
the challenges of online student learning and study challenges. |
 | Present
at a conference other than CRLA, NADE, and NCLCA such as Syllabus, TechEd,
NECC, FYE, or NACADA to let other administrators and faculty know how useful
your learning support programs and services are in increasing student
retention, academic success and student satisfaction. |
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