January 2002 Issue

LSCHE 2001 Web Site Excellence Awards
By Frank Christ
Here are the winners in the LSCHE 2001 Web Site Excellence Program. The award winners represented both community college and university learning support centers from seven states: California, Florida, New Jersey, Michigan, Nevada , New York, and Washington.
First Place: NY Le Moyne College , Academic Support Center
Second Place: FL Polk Community College FL Academic Support Services/TLCC
Third Place: WA University of Washington-Tacoma Teaching and Learning Center
Honorable mention: NJ Union County College NJ Academic Learning Centers http://www.ucc.edu/academiclearning/
Honorable mention: CA Fullerton Community College :Academic Support
Center http://academicsupport.fullcoll.edu/
Honorable mention: NE University of Nevada/Reno Academic Support Services http://www.unr.edu/acssv/
Honorable mention: Delta College/MI Teaching/Learning Center http://www.delta.edu/tlc/
All award winning centers are entitled to display on their home page the LSCHE 2000 Award Icon designed by Rick Sheets, Web Master of the LSCHE web portal. In addition, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place award winners received a Web Site Excellence Award plaque and the Honorable Mention winners received a framed award winner certificate.
Watch for details of the LSCHE Web Site Excellence Award Program for 2002 to be announced in the spring of 2001.
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